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How My handsome Rocked My Morning Routine

Ok, Ok, after writing that title it does now sound a little risque... but let me explain...

After 2 moves in 2 years, a remolded almost under our belts, a recent hospital stay with our oldest, the passing of our Nana, keeping the promise that we would not let life pass us by as we remolded, we were let's just say, coming a little unraveled. This made mornings when we could not find socks, along with breakfast so frustrating for everyone, not just this mama! Also, trying to get homework done while painting, keeping commitments to our children and their schedule, loving on our church family and our family, we found ourselves exhausted and unsettled in our hearts, minds, and bodies.

We found ourselves each morning searching the chaos and living in the chaos that caused us all to be frustrated with one another every morning. From being exhausted you don't think straight or function like you hope you would normally.

We came together and talked about how this is not what we wanted for our family. It truly breaks my heart to send my boys to school unsettled and frustrated and what came to be, hollering to get everyone to the car.

Here I was at the end of my rope on what to do and without any real solutions and that's when my handsome took the lead and it has been the best thing EVER for our family! It sets the weeks tone and ushers in excitement for what the Lord has for each day.

Let me share with you what he did in bullet points ~ (I hope you don't mind, but I love to make list and I think this will make it easier to read.)

  • First, he called a Family Meeting. ( We have these meetings, not on a schedule but when needed, if you would like to know more about our Family Meetings, comment below and I will post a link to that post)

  • Second, he expressed our concerns and realized we all had the same concerns. Then he filled us in on the new rules and guidelines he was putting in place to correct the situation. The boys loved the plan and it made them feel secure. It also reveals to their hearts that their daddy makes plans for their good.

  • Here is the plan

  • Evening plan~

  • All book bags are to be hung up in the mudroom. (no running around to find it)

  • ALL lunch boxes packed with snacks immediately when they get home. No packed, No snacks. (may sound harsh but their work will work for their good)

  • Homework and folders signed, must be done before dinner (no matter what the schedule is)

  • ALL Clothes, down to socks, must be laid out on the ironing board before we read as a family each night.

  • NOW here is the morning routine~

  • All alarms must be set at a certain time and no later (At this time each boy had their own alarm clock and it truly sounds like a circus when theirs and ours all go off at different times.)

  • Everyone must be at the table at 7 am with

  • teeth brushed

  • all clothes on needed for the day (no running back to get something)

  • beds made

  • hair brushed

  • ready to eat breakfast as a family (This breakfast time has been our very favorite! It is our time to talk about what is happening that day, what to expect, and we read the scriptures as we eat to start our day off together and with the Lord. It is almost a competition on who is ready and at the table most mornings.)

  • Our breakfast time takes us all about 15 mins.

  • Then we are grabbing lunches, book bags, and shoes as we go out the door without frustrations and chaos.

All of this may sound rigorous but it is so freeing! Freeing because everyone knows what is expected. We may bend on a few things as our schedules do not allow each and everything to be done each evening. But one thing we do not change is what time they are to be at the table ~ @ 7 to eat and read. My handsome is consistent in this and it has made the biggest impact on our weeks.

This may sound simple and it is!

Sometimes it is the simplest things that make our lives the richest.

This may sound like we all get it right every day. But we don't and there is grace given and guidance to what needs to be done but it all around is the very best thing ~ I believe for every family to have breakfast and dinner around your table to start and end each day in a place you know you are wanted, needed and loved!

I will confess ~ It is me that has the hardest time getting to that darn table by 7am!

No matter what time I get up I seem to fill up the time and scroll in 5 or so mins late....

I come into the kitchen (sometimes for the 4th time, because I have fixed breakfast and went to finish getting ready) with all 3 boys and my handsome at the table looking at me because it is 7:05. UGH!

On many occasions, it is one of the boys announcing, "It's 7 o'clock!" and I humbly say, "I am coming!" I want to and I really do strive to get there and yet, I don't know what happens. But it is good for our children to give grace to their imperfect parents sometimes also and yet, still have a standard to hold.

This simple, yet, such a discipline has rocked our world for the better and it is amazing when you get one area of your life together other areas seem to flow right along with what you are desiring to accomplish.

That is just like our walk with our Jesus! If we love Him we will keep His commands not because he wants to make your life harder but just the opposite. He wants what is good, freeing, and let your heart find rest. It takes discipline to be a disciple. But may you find that following the commands from God's Word brings every area of your life in a rhythmic flow of peace, unity, and excitement for what the Lord may have for us each day as we start each day with a clear mind and a grateful heart for the Lord's perfect guidance.


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